Friday, February 27, 2009

My Husband Rock's Friday!

Share anything you'd like the world to know about your rocking awesome hubby! :)
patience |ˈpā sh əns|
1 the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset

The above word and it's definition are what my husband has been this week. This has to be one of THE clumsiest weeks, no, past few months that I have ever had. My mistakes are expensive, and we are poor:) Instead of getting angry with me, he hugs me, tells me he loves me, and reasures me that everything will be fine. I always expect the worst reaction- but have yet to experience a negative response. Here are a few of my "calamity's"; hit a pole in our parking structure and knocked off my bumper and lights, spilled milk on my laptop and dropped my ipod in the toilet. Two of the three incidents are resolved, and praise the Lord, with very little hit to our bank account. We were able to fix the jeep via a very generous friend from Ihop, and we took my laptop in to be looked at, and not only was it not damaged from the milk, but the little things on it we were having trouble with they repaired for free. The only true casualty was my ipod. Unfortunately, they are not made to be water repellant.So, a word to the wise- do not place them in water:)  When I tried to turn the little guy on- he made some whizzing, pinging noises- and the screen flashed a picture of an ipod with a sad face and a phone number to apple. So alas I bid farewell to my Ipod. We have been through ALOT together...I am surprised he lasted as long as he did.

Back to my husband- as you can see, many reasons why he could be upset with me. And I would totally understand if he was. But no, not Rob. His patience is such a relief, and a blessing. I love him so much:)

P.S. I also accidently messed up on cutting his hair, and had to shave it all off:( Now that, he was kind of  not so happy about, but, took it all in stride. And still loves me:)

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Saturday, February 21, 2009


God has been so faithful to Rob and I. From day one, His favor has been upon us, and it is such a testimony of His goodness. He truly hears the small cries of our hearts. This past week we have had quite a few great breakthrough's, I will share two of them: one is...WE FOUND A HOUSE!! Praise Jesus! We will be moving into a house that is owned by some friends of ours. They are moving back to California after having been out here for about 4 years, serving at Ihop. How funny timing is, because just when we were down to the wire, needing a place to live (anything we could get)...our friends the Weaver's  were needing renters just as badly. Rob and I were praying for (at the most) a duplex, or town home, or a slightly larger apartment. Never did we think we would come out on the other side of this with the MOST amazing, beautiful, home (you can see pictures of it here). There are so many little details about this story that make it such a blessing, and so the Lord. We will be within walking distance of Ihop, living in a neighborhood of Ihoper's. I have already found a few people our age that are on nights that live two houses down from us!! Amazing! The second thing is; Rob had been praying for the past week for a very specific amount of money, for bills/rent/moving etc. Well, last night we both went into the lobby for a few minutes to chat with some friends, I went back to my seat, when I noticed sitting on it was a wad of $20's. I looked around, kind of confused- I mean, I have heard of this type of thing happening, and even heard it happen to friends. But to us?? Clearly, I'm still working on the faith issue in my heart:) I am still blown away. Yet, this shouldn't surprise me, we serve a God who can do ANYTHING!! I am not writing all of this to say that BECAUSE he did these things for us, he is faithful. I know that He is faithful NO MATTER WHAT. Even in the midst of difficulty, or not getting the things we ask...His faithfulness doesn't suddenly go away...He is always good. I am just testifying, yet again of His goodness and faithfulness. I wish I could expound on this more, but all I can say is Praise Jesus!! He leaves me speechless. 

Thank you Lord for your provision, and for meeting us even in our lack of faith or understanding. For loving us in our weakness, and blessing us throughout it all. 

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Friday, February 20, 2009

My Husband Rocks Friday...

Share your favorite "married moment" from the past couple of weeks. Anything that was special, made you smile, or made you feel all "warm and fuzzy" :)

I was sick most of this week,  and had to be in bed sleeping or resting as I felt terrible. It was frustrating, because I had to watch my husband, who already works SO hard, continue to get up and go to work...come home comfort me...get ready and go to class...and then go to the prayer room. Only to do this all again the next day (4 days in a row). In the midst of it all, his only concern was me. It didn't matter what I wanted or needed, he was ready to make it happen. In the few moments between running, running, running, he brought me my favorite soup (panera's broccoli cheese) twice...made me multiple glasses of chocolate milk (my favorite drink) and still took the time to lie down with me, pray with me, and make sure I was ok. When I offered to help him get ready, make him food, or do something minimal to help him out- he made me go back to bed-so I could feel better. I am loved beyond words:)

Thank you honey for being such an amazing man of God. For working so hard, and for taking care of me. You are a true example of what it is to serve. Everyday you remind me of not only the love you have for me, but the Fathers love for me. It is such an honor to see Him working in your life, and your willingness to press on. I love you so much.

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lord, give us a house!!

Rob and I are spending our last month in our "first home"/ apartment. Our lease is up in March and we have been frantically looking for another apartment. Since we are working and doing the internship at has been really difficult. We have looked all over Grandview, and have really found nothing. It seems like we are running into walls. Rob feels very strongly that we should move into a house. I am skeptical. I would love to. Oh how I would love to. However, houses cost more money. As trying to find an apartment has not worked AT ALL, I am praying that maybe it's because the Lord has something far GREATER than an apartment for us. If I think about it too long, the possibility of a house, my mind gets carried away. What a dream come true it would be. I imagine all the possibilities of a house; a backyard for Charlie, my own yard to have a garden and manicure ( i love mowing the lawn), a REAL kitchen with space for all of our great stuff, and the space to learn to cook properly, more than one bedroom so we could have a guest room and a place for family to come and stay, a music room for Rob and ALL  of his instruments. A place to grow into, and have a family. What a glorious thought. God is so faithful. Even if we move into another apartment, it's still exciting,  a new place to call home, and another step down the road to something greater:) I am reminded of two verses. The first, is my life verse and I am ALWAYS reminded of this...

"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."     Jeremiah 29:11

This next verse is one that the Lord has continuously been highlighting to me since Rob and I were married.

"Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink' nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns' yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kindgon of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about it's own things. Sufficient for the day is it's own trouble.       Matthew 6:25-34

Thank you Lord, that you know what Rob and I need. That you have everything figured out for us, even down to the last detail. That all we need to do is seek you with all of our hearts, and trust the plans that you have for us. Thank you for your grace, and everlasting joy. Amen.

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I came home one day and Rob had purchased this pray sign and candles and set our dresser up like this- I love it, and thought I'd share the picture:)


Valentines Day 2009

Rob and I had an amazing Valentine's Day! It's kind of like we had two:) Since we are on nights, and we spend them in the prayer room- the 14th started at midnight while we were in there. I'd say that's a great way to start a day together- spending time contenting in prayer. We left the prayer room at 5:30am and took his mom flowers at work (Starbucks). Then we came home and gave eachother cards and had some Valentine's chocolate that he had gotten me:) Mmmm. I gave him his gift, it may sound lame, but he has really been wanting a tie hanger/organizer, so I finally got him one:) Realizing we didn't want to sleep in too late, we decided to hit the hay.
We got up around 2ish, got ready and went shopping. We still had a gift card to Crate and Barrell, so we went there and found the cutest personal porceline tea pot and cup (it's so cute and small!) He bought me that and a little bamboo serving tray, and turquois vase:) I love them!! My new favorite thing is tea, and small things. Not really sure why. I am also suddenly loving flowers. They make me happy- and remind me of life. If anyone knows me, I have never been a big flower person, so this, I blame on my mom. (No offense mom, it's a good thing- just weird for ME). Next, we went to dinner at a lovely Italian restaurant called Cinzetti's. It was fabulous! Of course we then hit up Starbuck's, because working there everyday isn't enough, you HAVE to go in on your days off as well:) We drove around enjoying conversation and city viewing, then came home. I had been feeling sick all day, so he made sure I got comfortable and went to bed. This is what I love about my husband so much, he is ALWAYS making sure I am ok. He always wants to make sure I feel loved, happy, comfortable, content. He dotes on me non-stop. I know I have said this alot, but he loves me so well. He treats me like a princess. I really do believe I have THE BEST husband ever. God is so faithful, he really dose have the BEST for us, if we choose to be patient and ALLOW him to provide it for us in His timing:) 

I posted the few pictures we took today, including one of the tea pot/cup and tray he got me:)

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pray for Colombia

Colombia has been on my heart alot lately. For so many years, I have had such a strong desire to go and do ministry work amongst the impoverished areas. What is interesting, is that whenever I mention this desire, so many people respond in horror. "Why would you want to go there? It's so dangerous and corrupt!" Here's the funny thing. I have no sense of fear. None. All credit goes to the Lord for that:) 
I know that this is a desire placed on my heart by Him, and that one day, I will have the opportunity. For now, I want to be in the place of preperation. To sit before the Lord and inquire of His hearts desires. To humble myself, in all areas. To go low everyday, and seek His face continuously. To buy gold. I want to know Him so well, that others might know Him through me, without words ever being spoken. 
I love these people. Yet, I know His love for them is far greater than mine could ever be. I will continue to cry out for this country. If you have read this, I would ask that you do as well. Here is a link about Colombia, just in case you would like to know more:)

The picture above is of the capital city of  Bogota

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Valentines Day:)

What Rob and I are getting eachother for Valentines Day. I am very excited!
Here is the link in case anyone else is interested.

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Friday, February 6, 2009


As I sit at home, waiting for Rob to get off of a long day at work...I am reminded of just how lucky I am. 
We both work at Starbucks. He is full time and I am part. Not only are we both working, but are doing an internship at IHOP...during the night. Which, I might add, is three months long, intense because of the hours you put in, but even more so when done during the night hours. On top of all that, they don't usually allow interns to work during internship, because of the difficulty. However, as we are not raising support yet, they graciously, with some concern, allowed us to continue working. So, this is what our current  schedule looks like; class from 10pm-12am, prayer room 12am-6am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday is the EGS (encounter God service) from 6pm-8pm, 9pm-11pm prayer room, 12am-6am prayer room. Sunday is FCF (Forerunner Christian Fellowship) 6pm-8pm, class 10pm-12am, prayer room 12am-6am. Then, there's Wednesday, considered our "sabbath" so we don't have to be in the prayer room until 4am and only until 6am. Now, in addition, we are both getting up around 1pm to work until about 9pm...give or take, some days are a little different. Not only do we barely have time together, but we are CONSTANTLY going. We also have about 5 weeks to find a new place to live:) 
The beauty of all of this is the Lords faithfulness, and Rob's support and strength. This was my idea, and even though he was somewhat skeptical, because of how busy we already are, in addition to being newlyweds and not having alot of personal time, he went for it. He has been so positive, so encouraging and so attentive to my thoughts and feelings. He hasn't complained, even though he is working harder than anyone I know. I believe the Lord is really giving him grace, and meeting Him through this time. He makes me want to go hard, with a good attitude, and to truly appreciate the season the Lord has us in. 
We have completed about a month of the internship, and though I feel like there is a long road ahead of us, I know, with the Lords grace, and my amazing husband...we will finish strong. He loves me so well, I could not have asked for a better man.

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

We Voted!!

This was Rob's first time voting, and my third.  It was exciting because it was one of the first big decisions we got to make together (as husband and wife). Our main concern was voting pro-life. The Lord has really marked our hearts with this message. Ultimately, we do not look to man, but to God. It is His government that will reign forever. 

"...Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end...and He shall reign forever and ever..."

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I couldn't post about Moses and Charlie, without posting about my most favorite cat. Though he isn't living with Rob and I now, he hopefully will be in the future. For now he keeps my parents on their toes:) I will share a little of his story. When I worked at Banfield Pet Hospital in Pasadena, California, we would get random strays in all the time. Since we were an animal hospital, we didn't take strays and would send people to animal shelters. Well, one day, a lady brought in this teeny tiny, dirty, loud, flea infested kitten. She had found him stuck in her wall and figured he must have fallen and his mother couldn't get to him. She tried to find the mother but couldn't, so she brought him to us. I couldn't turn him away, he was so pathetic! Plus, at the time, I was already fostering a group of kittens just a little older than him. What the heck, why not another:) I bottle fed him along with the others every two hours, stimulated them to pee and poop and eventually weaned them. I found the other kittens homes and decided to keep Kodi. His full name is Kodiak (like the island in Alaska). He has moved with me to three different homes, and seen numerous "fosters" that have come and gone. Hopefully he will be causing trouble in our home again soon:)

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Our "Kids"

Pet's add such a dimension of carefree entertainment to your everyday life. I love that no matter what's going on, they are always...ALWAYS happy. They live simply to enjoy our company, and are the most faithful friends. For now, this is our family:) 

A few fun animal quotes:

"There are no ordinary cats" Collette

"Thousands of years ago, cat's were worshipped as gods. Cat's have never forgotten this." Anonymous

"The average dog is a nicer person than the average person." Andrew A. Rooney

"Animals are such agreeable friends- they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms."  George Eliot

                                                                  Moses and Charlie


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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Getting Started

Well, this is it. Our official Blog. A place for Rob or I...(more emphasis on the I) to update friends and family on our lives. Both the exciting and not so exciting. I hope to keep this pretty up to date...even with a lack of time. To share thoughts, encouragement, stories, prayer requests, and the daily in's and out's of being married and what the Lord is doing. Hopefully, if I can become savvy enough to figure this thing out, I can even post pictures:) Well, that's it for now! Exciting I know, bet you can't wait to read my next post. I will have a following in no time:)
