Friday, February 27, 2009

My Husband Rock's Friday!

Share anything you'd like the world to know about your rocking awesome hubby! :)
patience |ˈpā sh əns|
1 the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset

The above word and it's definition are what my husband has been this week. This has to be one of THE clumsiest weeks, no, past few months that I have ever had. My mistakes are expensive, and we are poor:) Instead of getting angry with me, he hugs me, tells me he loves me, and reasures me that everything will be fine. I always expect the worst reaction- but have yet to experience a negative response. Here are a few of my "calamity's"; hit a pole in our parking structure and knocked off my bumper and lights, spilled milk on my laptop and dropped my ipod in the toilet. Two of the three incidents are resolved, and praise the Lord, with very little hit to our bank account. We were able to fix the jeep via a very generous friend from Ihop, and we took my laptop in to be looked at, and not only was it not damaged from the milk, but the little things on it we were having trouble with they repaired for free. The only true casualty was my ipod. Unfortunately, they are not made to be water repellant.So, a word to the wise- do not place them in water:)  When I tried to turn the little guy on- he made some whizzing, pinging noises- and the screen flashed a picture of an ipod with a sad face and a phone number to apple. So alas I bid farewell to my Ipod. We have been through ALOT together...I am surprised he lasted as long as he did.

Back to my husband- as you can see, many reasons why he could be upset with me. And I would totally understand if he was. But no, not Rob. His patience is such a relief, and a blessing. I love him so much:)

P.S. I also accidently messed up on cutting his hair, and had to shave it all off:( Now that, he was kind of  not so happy about, but, took it all in stride. And still loves me:)

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Blogger betty-NZ said...

It's great to read how caring spouses are! I just posted about my hubby, too!

March 14, 2009 at 4:37 AM  

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