So, lately...and by lately, I mean over the past three and half years, I have REALLY wanted to leave the geographical location in which I, and my lovely husband, currently reside. I have NEVER done well staying in one place for very long. I always have to be doing something, going somewhere, moving, seeing, meeting, adventure, adventure, adventure...repeat.
I know this DOES NOT appeal to everybody. But I love to explore, I love the unknown and discovery. Very few things in life make me happier than being out on the open road, either by myself or with someone. I love, love, LOVE it. My most favorite memories are of crazy road trips I have taken, and almost every single one a random last minute decision. From random drives to Vegas in the middle of the night, to sudden decisions of packing up whatever would fit in my car to move to Anchorage, Ak where I knew NO ONE. I also did this when I moved here. Except in this circumstance, I knew a few people:)
I have experienced such beautiful places, driving from Los Angeles to Anchorage...through Canada and the Northern Territories. Seeing things most people probably never will, like driving, and camping from Anchorage to the Arctic Circle, and then onto the Arctic Ocean. These memories are so precious to me...these places, these experiences. For awhile I got to live on an Island, with very few people, and very MANY bears (largest bears in the world:) I lived in a house on the beach, where every morning when I looked out the window I could watch pods of Orcas swimming around the bay, rubbing against the rocks at the bottom. Then in the evening, feel the ocean breeze blow in through my window, smell the mix of pine trees and salty air, and listen to the buoys bobbing on the water. Right outside my door was paradise. I MISS these things.
Don't get me wrong, I love my life. I am so madly in love with my husband, and feel so blessed to be married to such a Godly man. I have a good life...I just miss those things that I feel like have made up so much of who I am. I don't want to lose them, those passions, those things that the Lord has placed in my heart that make me who I am. I don't want to think that those moments are over, and that those adventures were only for the past...but never to be experienced again.
The Lord has definitely given me grace to be here as long as I have...and heck, he could continue to provide that grace through another season. However, it doesn't feel that way now. If feels like things are winding down, wrapping up...coming to an end. And like the itch that I feel to experience life, to have adventure and once again BE in the outdoors and feel my heart come alive again is going to be a reality once again. This time, I have a husband, and a best friend to share these things with:) I look forward to adventure with the man I love...and for the Lord to meet us in the midst of it. For a heart awakened once again.
Until then...let the countdown begin:)

The other day i was thinking about you two and your push to new adventures in the next season or step, and i honestly got past the selfish desires for you to stay ;) and i got really excited for you. Like really i think it will be SO fun and good for the two of you to go and do something new. (maybe take Rob to a real amusement park) lol ;) Anyways we are praying for the steps in getting there to be smooth and come in right timing for you. LOVE YOU and we need to get together before then, alot more.
Ash- this makes my heart so happy. You have no idea how much your words mean:) Love you!!!
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