Saturday, February 21, 2009


God has been so faithful to Rob and I. From day one, His favor has been upon us, and it is such a testimony of His goodness. He truly hears the small cries of our hearts. This past week we have had quite a few great breakthrough's, I will share two of them: one is...WE FOUND A HOUSE!! Praise Jesus! We will be moving into a house that is owned by some friends of ours. They are moving back to California after having been out here for about 4 years, serving at Ihop. How funny timing is, because just when we were down to the wire, needing a place to live (anything we could get)...our friends the Weaver's  were needing renters just as badly. Rob and I were praying for (at the most) a duplex, or town home, or a slightly larger apartment. Never did we think we would come out on the other side of this with the MOST amazing, beautiful, home (you can see pictures of it here). There are so many little details about this story that make it such a blessing, and so the Lord. We will be within walking distance of Ihop, living in a neighborhood of Ihoper's. I have already found a few people our age that are on nights that live two houses down from us!! Amazing! The second thing is; Rob had been praying for the past week for a very specific amount of money, for bills/rent/moving etc. Well, last night we both went into the lobby for a few minutes to chat with some friends, I went back to my seat, when I noticed sitting on it was a wad of $20's. I looked around, kind of confused- I mean, I have heard of this type of thing happening, and even heard it happen to friends. But to us?? Clearly, I'm still working on the faith issue in my heart:) I am still blown away. Yet, this shouldn't surprise me, we serve a God who can do ANYTHING!! I am not writing all of this to say that BECAUSE he did these things for us, he is faithful. I know that He is faithful NO MATTER WHAT. Even in the midst of difficulty, or not getting the things we ask...His faithfulness doesn't suddenly go away...He is always good. I am just testifying, yet again of His goodness and faithfulness. I wish I could expound on this more, but all I can say is Praise Jesus!! He leaves me speechless. 

Thank you Lord for your provision, and for meeting us even in our lack of faith or understanding. For loving us in our weakness, and blessing us throughout it all. 

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