We both work at Starbucks. He is full time and I am part. Not only are we both working, but are doing an internship at IHOP...during the night. Which, I might add, is three months long, intense because of the hours you put in, but even more so when done during the night hours. On top of all that, they don't usually allow interns to work during internship, because of the difficulty. However, as we are not raising support yet, they graciously, with some concern, allowed us to continue working. So, this is what our current schedule looks like; class from 10pm-12am, prayer room 12am-6am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday is the EGS (encounter God service) from 6pm-8pm, 9pm-11pm prayer room, 12am-6am prayer room. Sunday is FCF (Forerunner Christian Fellowship) 6pm-8pm, class 10pm-12am, prayer room 12am-6am. Then, there's Wednesday, considered our "sabbath" so we don't have to be in the prayer room until 4am and only until 6am. Now, in addition, we are both getting up around 1pm to work until about 9pm...give or take, some days are a little different. Not only do we barely have time together, but we are CONSTANTLY going. We also have about 5 weeks to find a new place to live:)
The beauty of all of this is the Lords faithfulness, and Rob's support and strength. This was my idea, and even though he was somewhat skeptical, because of how busy we already are, in addition to being newlyweds and not having alot of personal time, he went for it. He has been so positive, so encouraging and so attentive to my thoughts and feelings. He hasn't complained, even though he is working harder than anyone I know. I believe the Lord is really giving him grace, and meeting Him through this time. He makes me want to go hard, with a good attitude, and to truly appreciate the season the Lord has us in.
We have completed about a month of the internship, and though I feel like there is a long road ahead of us, I know, with the Lords grace, and my amazing husband...we will finish strong. He loves me so well, I could not have asked for a better man.
Labels: ihop, internship, my husband, Rob
well seeing that it's 2009 and all, i guess i better start getting acclimated to blogs and comments and all that crazy technological business. so i'm pretty sure this is my first comment on a blog. congratulations rob and sarah on receiving my comment. i must say i am impressed and blessed by rob. i can't help but be a bit jealous too, (in a good way - mine's a comin' soon!). love you guys both.
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