Tuesday, March 31, 2009
As of today, March 31st 2009, I am officially (per the social security department) a Ballew!! Rob and I got up bright and early and headed down to the Jackson County Recorder of Deeds, purchased two OFFICIAL copies of our marriage license, then made our way over to the social security office and made the switch:) Now, for a new license. Oh man. Let me just say, for the record...they DO NOT make it easy to change things- weather it be your name, drivers license, license plate, registration...etc...etc. Not that I think it should be easy, but I do think that you should be able to get MOST of this stuff done in ONE place. However, each of those things has to be done in different places...at least out here. What a hassle. This is why I avoid changing things until I absolutely have to. This is also why I have gotten several tickets:( Not anymore!! I am up to date, organized, legal and official in every possible way. Thank you Jesus for you grace to get it all done:)!
On a lighter, more fun note: I HIGHLY recommend renting Disney's new animated movie BOLT. It's about a dog and his "person". So well done, hilarious, and completely clean. Gotta love that! I would say it's even worth owning:) Secondly, if you havn't seen the preview to Disney's new animated movie "The Princess and the Frog". It comes out December 12th and is hand drawn animation like they used to do. By the creators of The Little Mermaid and Aladdin. Here is the link to Walt Disney Pictures official homepage where you can view the preview. Enjoy!
On ANOTHER note. Check out the Choose LIFE Cd on Ihop.org along with Ihop's new limited edition 23. Wow, both so amazing!! Song number two on the Le 23 is called "Oh that you would rend the Heaven's" by Misty Edwards and is so powerful. If your in the mood for some new music, these two albums are the way to go:)
Friday, March 27, 2009
My Husband Rock's Friday!
Unbelievably tender
Blesses many
Always encouraging
Newly Wed
Destined for greatness
Seeker of truth
Fantastic husband!
Is going to be the most AMAZING father
Deserving of great things
American made
Labels: my husband, My husband Rocks Friday, Rob
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
My Husband the model...
Rob took me to the Roasterie (an amazing little coffee shop in Brookside) and then the plaza. It was a beautiful day, and we had alot of fun just being together:)
Here is Rob modeling the "My Wife Rock's" tee we bought for V-day. We each got one for eachother, mine, obviously says "My Husband Rocks" and I love it!! Anyways, he took me on a date the other day, and was really excited to show it off:) Love him!
Labels: my husband, Rob
Friday, March 20, 2009
My Husband Rock's Friday!!
It's friday again! Amazing. I love to talk about my man:) He is so tender, and caring. The way he treats me everyday is with sensitivity, love and understanding. I can only imagine what he will be like when we have kids! I am so excited for that day, because I know he will be the best father:) I had a few days of feeling sick this week, and usually when I get this particular feeling, I don't want to be around ANYONE. I am not very pleasant, and cranky. Sad, I know. Well, my husband, he isn't phased by this. No, he pushes past my 10 foot pole and wall of emotion and just loves on me. Holds me, strokes my hair, and continuously tells me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me. I can't tell you what this does to my heart. I love this man!! Not only that, but on Tuesday, at like 2 in the morning, he came home with an amazing bouquet of flowers:) They were RADIANT (see above picture)!! I felt like such a princess:) I always say this, and I always will...I love how he loves me:)
"If everything we've got is blowing away, we've got a rock and a rock til our dying day. I'm holding on to you, holding on to me, maybe it's all we got but it's all I need, You're all I need."
All I Need by Mat Kearney
Labels: my husband, My husband Rocks Friday, Rob
Saturday, March 14, 2009
My Husband Rock's Friday!

I know this is a day late, but, better late then never:) My husband always rocks, and I am always blessed by him. It's so funny because when I go to write these little praise reports about him...I feel I sometimes get stumped. Not because there is nothing to say, but because there are SO MANY THINGS! What stands out to me right now, is how accommodating he was when my family was in town. They visited a little over a week ago. All except for my dad:( Not only did we have family, but three of them flew in from different places, and had delayed flights. Let me make this story even more interesting. My family came in on a Monday, and we had moved the day before...yes, thats right...Sunday. Into a house. Way across town. On minimal sleep. After many days worked. Coming off of a night schedule. Chaotic doesn't even begin to describe the days leading up to that Monday. In addition, we also had a girl driving from California moving in with us, and arriving Monday evening with her mom, and one of my brothers friends visiting with him from Maine, who would be staying with us:) So, this is our Monday. Sarah: get up after maybe 3 hours of sleep after being up all night unpacking and cleaning our house. Go to work for two hours. Come home get ready, Rob: running around like a crazy person, paying rent to not one, but two places...our apartment and now new home. Both meet back up at house, leave to pick mom up from airport 30 min away. Get to airport where we are supposed to pick up Andrew (coming from Maine), Mom (coming from Cali) and Aimee (coming from Virginia). In actuality, only Mom's flight was able to come in. Andrews was pushed back 6 hours, and Aimees cancelled til next day. We grab mom, run to dinner, run home, unload car, peruse new house, friendly comments exchanged, much love...gotta go! Run back to the airport, Andrew's flight landed, all passengers unloaded, all passengers grabbing baggage, all passengers leaving, no passengers left. No Andrew. Hmm. Call Andrew, his phone is dead. Rob and Daniel run around airport looking for Andrew. Mom and Sarah also looking, utter confusion...30 min go by, airport is turning lights off at terminals, and things are shutting down. There is a big tall person walking towards us. It's ANDREW! Grab Andrew, run home. GO TO BED. Next morning wake up, run and get Aimee. Come home, Rob and Sarah both off to work. Work, work, work. Come home see family, hang out, share stories, laugh, cry, bicker...old times. Repeat next day, and every day thereafter for one week. We had 5 people total staying with us:) It was crazy. I don't know how we did it. My husband didn't complain once. He was supportive. He worked his schedule out to be with us as much as possible, even though he still had to work a maximum amount of hours. He made sure I was spending enough time with everyone, and constantly offered to do whatever he could. He made everyone feel compfortable, and included. He even made sure I had some spending money:) The week came and went in a whirlwind. It will forever be one of my most precious memories:) I couldn't have done it without my husband, and all of his love and support.
Rob, thank you for being so accommodating and flexible with my family and I. Thank you for running around doing family stuff, working, running around some more, and in the midst of it all, being such a supportive husband. You bless me and I love you more than words. Xoxo.
Labels: Aimee, Andrew, Family, my husband, My husband Rocks Friday, Rob