Old Journal Entry
I was rummaging through one of my journals, and found this entry. It's less than a year old, but still, the time seems like it was an eternity ago. When I read it, it made me so happy...it's simple, but again, the Lord's faithfulness is why I was able to be in this place, and to write this entry.
September 14, 2009
I am sitting on a boulder that is perched atop an entire coastline of boulders and rocks...looking out at the amazing, vast ocean. I am in Acadia Maine, with my family, on a trip that is an answered prayer. My heart feels so alive in this place, being in nature, exposed to unquestionable beauty at every turn. The sound of the ocean and it's pounding waves...the rich hues of blue and green in the water, topped with accents of white foam. The seagulls calling out to each other, and the solitude of being alone to fellowship with the Lord and enjoy His beauty. Thank you Jesus for this day.