Racing Tornadoes

I pretty much had the coolest day ever, per the title of my blog, you may have guessed what took place. Oh, but it was so much cooler than the title could ever let on. So...I'm in Oklahoma, Dewey Oklahoma to be precise. I am out here with some friends that are shooting a movie on a ranch. This ranch is huge. It consists of hundreds of acres of prairie, a few thousand cattle and an old western town that has been built for he enjoyment of the owner. This morning as we were about to begin shooting, the sky went from being clear to turning pretty dark...we decided we would still try to shoot what we could- we got out 3 horses to use for the filming and shot a few scenes. The moment we finished shooting a torential downpour started, no sooner had that started then we got news that two tornadoes had touched down one town away from us. In the midst of that exciting news, the thunder and lightning also chimed in. As everyone was running around putting camera equipment away or going for cover...we still had 3 horses to deal with. Horses don't like bad weather, they spook easy and can be difficult or dangerous to ride. We still had to ride them two miles back to the stables the were staying in. Considering how close the tornadoes were, we didn't know weather to book it to the stables or stay close to a big building and just tie the horses up you can guess...we opted to race the horses back to the stables, have someone follow us in a car and pick us up to bring us back to the safe zone. Lloyd, me and my friend Paul hopped on the horses, and ran them as fast as we could through sheets of rain, loud thunder and lots of lightning back to their stables. It was such an adrenaline rush!!! I think this may top the list as one of the coolest things I've ever done. It was straight out of a movie:)
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