Sunday, January 29, 2006


I try so hard to control things in my life that, in reality, I have no control over. I put so much thought into what I can say, or things I can do to make life go the way I want it...or to fix the things/relationships I have broken. In the end, I wind up being stressed, and frustrated at the way things turn out. I feel like a fish swimming upstream, trying with all my might to get to that place of satisfaction. I think, "man, if I could just make this situation go right, then everything would be perfect." However, no matter how hard I try, I fail.

This is when I realize I need to surrender...I need to release control, and let the Lord take care of me. He has a plan, and it does not include me taking the drivers wheel. It means sitting in the passangers seat, and trusting that the wild ride ahead of me, no matter how scarry...has a happy ending.

I know this is what I am supposed to do...but knowing is alot easier than doing. Reguardless, I will choose to trust Him. I will expect Him to work in my life, rather than wonder if He is.

God's promise to me: "I promise you that no matter what, I have you, and you will be ok."

My motto for this week: "Let go and let God."



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